Connections - Query Page

Here you can find your connection in Schleswig-Holstein an Hamburg including fare.
Please state your place of departure and destination. You also have the option to state via stations.




Please state date and time of your journey.


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Due to technical reasons, the price calculator can currently only display the price for one person. To purchase tickets for more than one person, please use the NAH.SH timetable information at the top of our homepage or the NAH.SH app.
New request
5.45.NAHSH.15.0.5 (27daabe513) [2023-11-30]/5.45.NAHSH.15.0.5 (27daabe513) [2023-11-30] - 17.06.2024 - Datenstand: 14.06.2024 17:25:34
All information is issued without liability.